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Mathematical Functions

The following list contains the functions that you can use to perform mathematical calculations.


This function returns absolute value of a number.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.


The following example creates a field called abs_latitude, whose values are the absolute values of the numeric field latitude.

... | eval abs_latitude=abs(latitude)

Use-Case Example

Monitor the disk space utilization across multiple servers.

Problem: A user wants to identify servers where disk space usage has deviated significantly (either increased or decreased) from the average usage. This helps in proactive management of disk space to avoid over-utilization or under-utilization issues.

Solution: The abs() command can be used to calculate the absolute deviation from the average disk space usage, making it easier to identify the servers that significantly deviated from the average usage.

| stats latest(disk_usage) as current_disk_usage, avg(disk_usage) as avg_disk_usage by server
| eval deviation = current_disk_usage - avg_disk_usage
| eval abs_deviation = abs(deviation)
| where abs_deviation > 20
| fields server, current_disk_usage, avg_disk_usage, deviation, abs_deviation


  1. The stats command calculates the latest (current_disk_usage) and average (avg_disk_usage) disk usage per server.
  2. The eval command computes the deviation between the current and average disk usage (deviation = current_disk_usage - avg_disk_usage).
  3. The abs() function is used to calculate the absolute value of the deviation (abs_deviation = abs(deviation)).
  4. The where clause filters the results to show only the servers with an absolute deviation greater than 20.
  5. The fields command selects the relevant fields (server, current_disk_usage, avg_disk_usage, deviation, abs_deviation) for output.


This function returns the result of a numeric eval calculation with a larger amount of precision in the formatted output.


The <expression> argument can be any mathematical expression and the expression can include the values of a numeric field.


Calculates the circumference of a set of circles by multiplying pi by the values in the diameter field.

... | eval n=exact(3.14 * diameter)

Use-Case Example

Calculate precise financial metrics

Problem: A user wants to calculate the exact amount of sales tax for a set of transactions. This requires high precision due to the financial nature of the data.

Solution: The exact() command can be used to ensure the precision of the sales tax calculation.

| eval item_total = item_price * quantity
| eval sales_tax = exact((item_total + shipping_fee - discount) * 0.0825)
| fields transaction_id, item_price, quantity, item_total, shipping_fee, discount, total_amount, sales_tax


  1. The eval command calculates the total item cost by multiplying the item_price by the quantity (item_total = item_price * quantity).
  2. The eval command calculates the sales tax using the exact() function to ensure high precision, by adding item_total, shipping_fee, and subtracting discount, then multiplying by the tax rate (sales_tax = exact((item_total + shipping_fee - discount) * 0.0825)).


This function returns the exponential function e^X of a number.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.


The following example creates a field called y, whose values are Euler's number raised to the third power. In other words, the below example returns y=e^3

... | eval y=exp(3)

Use-Case Example

Calculate compound interest growth

Problem: A user wants to calculate the future value of an investment with continuous compounding interest. The formula for continuous compounding is given by Accumulated_Amount = Principal * e^(annual_interest_rate * time_years), where:

Solution: The exp() command can be used to compute e^(annual_interest_rate * time_years).

| eval principal = 1000
| eval annual_interest_rate = 0.05
| eval time_years = 10
| eval growth_factor = exp(annual_interest_rate * time_years)
| eval future_value = principal * growth_factor
| fields principal, annual_interest_rate, time_years, growth_factor, future_value


  1. The eval command assigns the principal amount (principal = 1000), the annual interest rate (annual_interest_rate = 0.05), and the investment duration in years (time_years = 10).
  2. The eval command calculates the growth factor using the exp() function to compute e^(annual_interest_rate * time_years) (growth_factor = exp(annual_interest_rate * time_years)).
  3. The eval command calculates the future value of the investment by multiplying the principal by the growth factor (future_value = principal * growth_factor).

ceil(<num>) or ceiling(<num>)

This function rounds a number up to the next highest integer.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.


The following example returns n=2.

... | eval n=ceil(1.9)

Use-Case Example

Round up transaction amounts to the nearest whole dollar

Problem: A user wants to round up transaction amounts to the nearest whole dollar for accounting purposes. This can be useful when dealing with financial reports where only whole dollar amounts are required.

Solution: The ceil() command can be used to round up the transaction amounts.

| eval rounded_amount = ceil(amount)
| fields transaction_id, amount, rounded_amount


  1. amount represents the original transaction amount which might be a decimal.
  2. rounded_amount is calculated using ceil(amount), which rounds up the transaction amount to the next highest integer.

This ensures that all transaction amounts are rounded up to the nearest whole dollar, simplifying financial reporting and ensuring consistency in the data.


This function rounds a number down to the nearest whole integer.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.


The following example returns 1.

... | eval n=floor(1.9)

Use-Case Example

Calculate shipping charges based on weight

Problem: A user wants to calculate shipping charges based on the weight of items. The shipping company charges a flat rate for each whole kilogram, and any fraction of a kilogram is rounded down to the nearest whole number to avoid overcharging.

Solution: The floor() command can be used to round down the weight to the nearest whole kilogram.

| eval weight_kg = weight_grams / 1000
| eval rounded_weight_kg = floor(weight_kg)
| eval shipping_charge = rounded_weight_kg * flat_rate_per_kg
| fields order_id, weight_grams, weight_kg, rounded_weight_kg, shipping_charge


  1. weight_kg is calculated by converting the weight from grams to kilograms.
  2. rounded_weight_kg is calculated using floor(weight_kg), which rounds down the weight to the nearest whole kilogram.
  3. shipping_charge is then calculated by multiplying the rounded_weight_kg by the flat_rate_per_kg.

This ensures that shipping charges are calculated based on whole kilograms, adhering to the shipping company's pricing policy and preventing overcharging customers for partial kilograms.

round(<num>, <precision>)

This function returns a number rounded to the decimal places specified by the precision.


The <num> argument can be either a numeric field or a numeric literal.

The <precision> argument is optional. If omitted, the function rounds the number to the nearest integer. <precision> must be a non-negative integer that specifies the number of decimal places to round to.


Specifying a value without precision

The following example returns n=4. Because a <precision> is not specified, the number is rounded to the integer.

... | eval n=round(3.5)

Specifying a value and a precision

The following example returns n=2.56.

... | eval n=round(2.55556, 2)

Use-Case Example

Calculate average transaction amounts

Problem: A user wants to display the average transaction amounts in a financial report. The average amounts should be rounded to two decimal places for clarity and consistency in the report.

Solution: The round() command can be used to round the average transaction amounts to two decimal places.

| stats avg(transaction_amount) as avg_amount by account_id
| eval avg_amount_rounded = round(avg_amount, 2)
| fields account_id, avg_amount, avg_amount_rounded


  1. The stats command calculates the average transaction amount for each account.
  2. The eval command rounds the average amount to two decimal places using round(avg_amount, 2).

This ensures that the average transaction amounts are displayed with two decimal places, making the financial report clear and consistent.


This function returns the natural logarithm of a number.

Note: This is "ln" (lowercase L for natural logarithm), not "In" (uppercase I).


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.


The following example returns the natural logarithm of the values in the bytes field.

... | eval nat_logarithm=ln(bytes)

Use-Case Example

Analyze exponential growth in website traffic

Problem: A user wants to analyze the exponential growth of website traffic over time. The natural logarithm can be used to transform the data, making it easier to identify trends and growth patterns.

Solution: The ln() command can be used to calculate the natural logarithm of the number of website visits, which helps in analyzing growth trends.

| stats sum(visits) as total_visits by date
| eval log_visits = ln(total_visits)
| fields date, total_visits, log_visits


  1. The stats command calculates the total number of website visits per day.
  2. The eval command calculates the natural logarithm of the total visits using ln(total_visits).

This allows the user to analyze the log-transformed data to identify exponential growth patterns in website traffic.

log(<num>, <base>)

This function returns the logarithm of a number using a base.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal. The value of <num> must be greater than 0.

The <base> is optional, and if omitted the log function uses base 10. The value of <base> must be greater than 0 and not equal to 1.

If the <num> or <base> arguments are not given properly, the behavior of the function is undefined.


The following example returns the logarithm of the values of the number field, using base 2.

... | eval num=log(number,2)

The following example returns the logarithm of the numeric literal 100000, using base 10.

... | eval num=log(100000)

Use-Case Example

Analyze order of magnitude in financial transactions

Problem: A user wants to categorize financial transactions based on their order of magnitude to identify large, medium, and small transactions for risk assessment and reporting purposes.

Solution: The log() command can be used to calculate the logarithm of transaction amounts, making it easier to categorize them based on their magnitude.

| eval log_amount = log(transaction_amount, 10)
| eval category = case(log_amount >= 5, "Large", log_amount >= 3, "Medium", log_amount < 3, "Small")
| fields transaction_id, transaction_amount, log_amount, category


  1. The eval command calculates the logarithm (base 10) of the transaction amounts using log(transaction_amount, 10).
  2. The category field is created using a case statement to categorize transactions based on their logarithmic value.

This allows the user to categorize transactions efficiently, aiding in risk assessment and detailed financial reporting.

pow(<num>, <exp>)

This function returns a number to the power of the exponent.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal.

The <exp> argument is the exponent.


The following example calculates the area of a circle, which is pi() multiplied by the radius to the power of 2.

... | eval area_circle=pi()*pow(radius,2)

Use-Case Example

Calculate future investment value with compound interest

Problem: A user wants to calculate the future value of an investment based on compound interest. The formula for compound interest is given by

Future_Value = Principal * (1 + annual_interest_rate/times_compounded_per_year)^(times_compounded_per_year * years)

Solution: The pow() command can be used to compute

(1 + annual_interest_rate/times_compounded_per_year)^(times_compounded_per_year * years)
| eval principal = 1000
| eval annual_interest_rate = 0.05
| eval times_compounded_per_year = 4
| eval years = 10
| eval future_value = principal * pow(1 + annual_interest_rate / times_compounded_per_year, times_compounded_per_year * years)
| fields principal, annual_interest_rate, times_compounded_per_year, years, future_value


This function takes no arguments and returns the constant pi to 11 digits of precision.


This function is useful whenever the precise value of π is required, eliminating the need to manually enter its value.


The following example rounds up the Pi value to two decimal places and assigns it to a new field called pi_rounded.

... | eval pi_rounded = round(pi(), 2)

Use-Case Example

Calculate the area of a circle

Problem: A user wants to calculate the area of a circular field given the radius. The formula for the area of a circle is Area = pi() * radius^2.

Solution: The pi() command can be used to get the precise value of π for the area calculation.

| eval radius = 5
| eval area_circle = pi() * pow(radius, 2)
| fields radius, area_circle


  1. The eval command assigns the radius value.
  2. The eval command calculates the area of the circle using pi() * pow(radius, 2).

This ensures that the user can accurately calculate the area of a circle given its radius using the precise value of π.


This function returns the square root of a number.


The <num> argument can be the name of a numeric field or a numeric literal and the value must be a positive number.


The following example returns 3:

... | eval n=sqrt(9)

Use-Case Example

Calculate the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of predictions

Problem: A user wants to evaluate the accuracy of a predictive model by calculating the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the predicted values and the actual values. RMSE is a measure of the differences between predicted and observed values.

Solution: The sqrt() command can be used to calculate the square root as part of the RMSE calculation.

| eval squared_error = pow(predicted_value - actual_value, 2)
| stats avg(squared_error) as mean_squared_error
| eval rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error)
| fields rmse


  1. The eval command calculates the squared error for each prediction using pow(predicted_value - actual_value, 2).
  2. The stats command calculates the mean of the squared errors (mean_squared_error).
  3. The eval command calculates the RMSE by taking the square root of the mean squared error using sqrt(mean_squared_error).

This use case demonstrates how the sqrt() function can be applied to evaluate the accuracy of a predictive model by calculating the RMSE, providing insights into the model's performance.