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Creates a time series chart with corresponding table of statistics.

A timechart is a statistical aggregation applied to a field to produce a chart, with time used as the X-axis. You can specify a split-by field, where each distinct value of the split-by field becomes a series in the chart. With the limit you can specify series filtering. If you set limit=0, no series filtering occurs.


The required syntax is in bold.

[<bin-options>... ]
(<single-agg> [BY <split-by-clause>] )

Required Arguments


Syntax: count or <stats-func>(<field>)
Description: A single aggregation applied to a single field, including an evaluated field. For <stats-func>, see Stats function options. No wildcards are allowed. The field must be specified, except when using the count function, which applies to events as a whole.


Syntax: <field>
Description: Specifies a field to split the results by.

Optional Arguments


Syntax: span=<int><timescale>
Descripton: Option that can be used to specify discrete bins, or groups, to organize the information. A span of each bin, based on time. If the timescale is provided, this is used as a time range.

Syntax: <sec>, <min>, <hr>, <day>, <week>, <month>, <quarter>, or <subseconds>
Description: Timescale units

TimescaleValid syntaxDescription
<sec>s | sec | secs | second | secondsTime scale in seconds.
<min>m | min | mins | minute | minutesTime scale in minutes.
<hr>h | hr | hrs | hour | hoursTime scale in hours.
<day>d | day | daysTime scale in days.
<week>w | week | weeksTime scale in weeks.
<month>mon | month | monthsTime scale in months.
<quarter>q | qtr | qtrs | quarter | quartersTime scale in quarters.
<subseconds>us | ms | cs | dsTime scale in microseconds (us), milliseconds (ms), centiseconds (cs), or deciseconds (ds).


1. Chart the average of "CPU" for each "host"

For each minute, calculate the average value of "CPU" for each "host".

... | timechart span=1m avg(CPU) BY host

2. Chart the eventypes by source_ip

For each minute, count the eventypes by source_ip.

sshd failed OR failure | timechart span=1m count(eventtype) BY source_ip

Use-Case Example

Monitor average CPU usage over time by host

Problem: A user wants to monitor the average CPU usage across different hosts over time to identify trends and potential issues.

Solution: The timechart command can be used to create a time series chart that shows the average CPU usage for each host, with the data aggregated by minute.

SPL command:

| timechart span=1m avg(CPU) BY host


  1. The search starts by looking at the performance metrics logs with the index=performance_metrics.
  2. The timechart command is used to calculate the average CPU usage (avg(CPU)) for each host (BY host).
  3. The data is aggregated in 1-minute intervals (span=1m).

Example data:

_time               host       avg(CPU)
2024-07-12 09:15 server1 35.2
2024-07-12 09:15 server2 42.1
2024-07-12 09:16 server1 34.8
2024-07-12 09:16 server2 43.0

This use case demonstrates how the timechart command can be used to monitor and visualize average CPU usage over time, split by host. This enables the user to identify trends, detect anomalies, and make informed decisions about resource allocation and performance optimization.