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rare Command


Displays the least common values within a specified field.

Identifies the rarest combination of values across all fields listed. When a <by-clause> is provided, it yields the least common combinations of values for each unique combination of the group-by fields.

This command functions similarly to the top command but focuses on identifying the least common values instead of the most common ones.


rare [<rare-options>...] <field-list> [<by-clause>]

Required Arguments


Syntax: <string>,...
Description: Comma-delimited list of field names.

Optional Arguments


Syntax: countfield=<string> or limit=<int> or percentfield=<string> or showcount=<bool> or showperc=<bool>
Description: Options that specify the type and number of values to display. These are the same as the <top-options> used by the top command.


Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Rare Options


Syntax: countfield=<string>
Description: The name of a new field to write the value of count into.
Default: "count"


Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many tuples to return. If you specify limit=0, all values up to the maxresultrows are returned. Specifying a value larger than the maxresultrows produces an error. See Usage.
Default: 10


Syntax: percentfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of percentage.
Default: "percent"


Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to add a field to your results with the count of the tuple. The name of the field is controlled by the countfield argument.
Default: true


Syntax: showperc=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to add a field to your results with the relative prevalence of that tuple. The name of the field is controlled by the percentfield argument.
Default: true


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  1. Exploring Rare Cities Within Countries

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  1. Analyzing Uncommon Web Traffic Patterns

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  1. Highlighting Less Popular App Versions

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... | rare app_name BY app_version showcount=true