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eval command


The eval command computes an expression and assigns the outcome to a field within the search results. If the specified field name does not correspond to an existing field in the output, the command introduces a new field to the search results. Conversely, if the specified field name already exists, the command overwrites that existing field with the values derived from the eval expression. The eval command is capable of processing mathematical, string, and boolean expressions.

For executing multiple eval expressions within a single search, you can separate them with commas. The search handles these expressions sequentially from left to right, allowing the use of fields evaluated earlier in expressions that follow.


The required syntax is in bold.

<assignment_expression> ["," <assignment_expression> ]...

Required Arguments


Syntax: <field>=<expression>
<field> refers to the name of the destination field that will contain the result of the evaluation of <expression>.
If the field name already exists in your record, it will be overwritten with the evaluated result.
Otherwise, a new field will be created. Avoid using reserved keywords as the field name.

<expression> is a <string> that may include a mix of values, variables, operators, and functions. These components are evaluated together to compute the final result for the target <field>.

  • Expressions can concatenate string literals or fields using the . operator.
  • Expressions such as ... | eval new_address = address." USA" will concatenate the value from the address field with the string " USA", and new_address will contain this concatenated value.
  • If the expression contains an operator, the value before the operator must be a numeric field. The value after the operator can be a numeric literal, a field, or a numeric expression itself, which follows this same rule.
  • The exception to the previous rule is when concatenating strings using the . operator; fields and string literals can be used in any order or combination.
  • An expression can be a single string or a numeric literal.
  • A string literal must be enclosed in double quotes.
  • The result of <expression> cannot be boolean. It must evaluate to a number or a string.
  • Expressions are case-sensitive.

How does eval command work?

The eval command is generally used to create new fields that result from an evaluation or serve as intermediary results required for further processing in the search.

Using Eval Functions

The following are the different types of eval functions that can be used in an <expression>.


The example below shows how to create a field named new_field in all records, assigning it the value "my new field".

... | eval new_field="my new field"

Similarly, a numeric literal can be used to create a new field. The example below demonstrates creating a field named golden_ratio with the value 1.618.

... | eval golden_ratio=1.618

You can also perform simple numeric computations with numeric fields. The following example creates a new field named new_salary, having the salary after a 10% increment.

... | eval new_salary=salary*1.1

You can use multiple fields to compute a new field. The following example creates a new field named final_amount by adding the simple interest calculated using the existing fields principal, rate, and time_period.

... | eval final_amount=principal + (principal * rate * time_period)/100

Use-Case Example

Device Type Latency Analysis

Problem: The objective is to analyze network latency across different device types, identifying which devices experience higher or lower latency. This analysis is crucial for optimizing user experience and network performance for diverse user bases.

Solution: Leverage the eval and stats commands in Splunk to classify devices based on their user agent strings, then calculate the minimum, maximum, and average latency for each device type.

... | eval device_type=case( 
like(lower(user_agent), "%iphone%"), "iPhone",
like(lower(user_agent), "%android%"), "Android",
like(lower(user_agent), "%windows%"), "Windows",
like(lower(user_agent), "%macintosh%"), "Mac",
like(user_agent, "%"), "Other")
| stats min(latency), max(latency), avg(latency) by device_type


  1. The eval command is utilized to dynamically assign device types based on the user_agent string. This process involves examining the user_agent string for patterns that match known device types.
    • The case function within eval allows for conditional logic to be applied, enabling multiple conditions to be checked sequentially until a match is found. For each device, the first condition that matches its user_agent string determines its device_type.
      • like(lower(user_agent), "%iphone%") checks for the presence of "iphone" in the user_agent string, assigning the device_type as "iPhone" if matched. The use of lower ensures the match is case-insensitive.
      • Similar conditions are applied for "Android", "Windows", "Mac", and a catch-all "Other" category for user agents that do not match any of the specified patterns.
    • This classification is crucial for the subsequent analysis, as it groups devices into meaningful categories based on their operating system or platform.
  2. The stats command is used post-classification to calculate the minimum, maximum, and average latency values for each device_type.
    • min(latency), max(latency), and avg(latency) functions within stats compute the respective latency metrics for each group.
    • Grouping by device_type:
      • The by device_type clause in the stats command ensures that the calculated metrics are grouped according to the device type. This means that for each unique device_type identified in the first step, the minimum, maximum, and average latency values are calculated separately.
    • This step is essential for analyzing network performance across different device types, as it provides specific latency metrics for each category. These metrics are instrumental in identifying performance trends and potential issues specific to each device type.

This method provides a clear overview of network performance across different device types, enabling targeted improvements and optimizations.