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Converts a single valued field into a multivalue field by splitting the values on a string delimiter or by using a regular expression. The delimiter can be a multicharacter delimiter.


[delim=<string> or tokenizer=<string>]

Required Arguments


Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of a field to generate the multivalues from.

Optional Arguments


Syntax: delim=<string>
Description: A string value used as a delimiter. Splits the values in field on every occurrence of this delimiter.
Default: A single space (" ").


Syntax: tokenizer=<string>
Description: A regular expression with a capturing group that is repeat-matched against the values in the field. For each match, the first capturing group is used as a value in the newly created multivalue field.


Syntax: allowempty=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to permit empty string values in the multivalue field. When using allowempty=true, repeats of the delimiter string produce empty string values in the multivalue field. For example if delim="," and field="a,,b", by default does not produce any value for the empty string. When using the tokenizer argument, zero length matches produce empty string values. By default they produce no values.
Default: false


Syntax: setsv=<bool>
Description: If true, the makemv command combines the decided values of the field into a single value, which is set on the same field. (The simultaneous existence of a multivalue and a single value for the same field is a problematic aspect of this flag.)
Default: false


1. Use a comma to separate field values

For sendmail search results, separate the values of "senders" into multiple values. Display the top values.

eventtype="sendmail" | makemv delim="," senders | top senders

2. Use a colon delimiter and allow empty values

Separate the value of "product_info" into multiple values.

... | makemv delim=":" allowempty=true product_info

3. Use a regular expression to separate values

The following search creates a result and adds three values to the my_multival field. The makemv command is used to separate the values in the field by using a regular expression.

| makeresults
| eval my_multival="one,two,three"
| makemv tokenizer="([^,]+),?" my_multival

4. Use a delimiter with multiple characters

Separate the value of log_data into multiple values using a delimiter with multiple characters.

... | makemv delim=";|;" log_data


  1. The makemv command uses the delimiter ";|;" to split the log_data field into multiple values.

Example log entry:



The output for the above command would be:


Use-Case Example

Parsing Email Recipients

Problem: A company's email server logs contain a field called "recipients" that stores all email recipients as a comma-separated string. The security team wants to analyze email distribution patterns, but they need each recipient as a separate value for proper analysis.

Solution: The makemv command can be used to split the "recipients" field into multiple values, allowing for individual analysis of each recipient.

Example log entry:

timestamp="2024-07-12 09:15:23" sender="" recipients=",," subject="Project Update"

SPL command:

| makemv delim="," recipients
| stats count by sender, recipients


  1. The search starts by looking at the email logs index.
  2. The makemv command splits the "recipients" field into multiple values using the comma as a delimiter.
  3. The stats command then counts occurrences for each unique combination of sender and recipient.