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Aggregate Functions

This list includes functions that perform statistical calculations over groups of data.


This function returns the average, or mean, of the values in a field.


You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands.


  • The following example returns the average of the values in the latitude field for each distinct value in the city field:

    ... | stats avg(latitude) BY city
  • The following example displays a timechart of the average of the latency field by city:

    ... | timechart avg(latency) BY city

Use-Case Example

Calculate Average Response Time for Web Services

Problem: A web administrator wants to determine the average response time for different web services to identify which services might need optimization.

Solution: Use the stats command with the avg function to calculate the average response time for each web service.


index=weblog sourcetype=access_combined
| stats avg(response_time) AS avg_response_time BY service
| sort - avg_response_time


This function returns the minimum value in a field.


This function processes field values as numbers if possible, otherwise processes field values as strings. You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands. This command cannot be used on non-numeric fields.


  • The following example calculates the minimum value of the latitude field for locations in the southern hemisphere (latitude < 0) and groups the results by weekday:

    ... | stats min(eval(latitude < 0)) AS min BY weekday
  • The following example finds the minimum latency value:

    ... | stats min(latency)
  • The following example displays a timechart of the minimum latency over time for each city:

    ... | timechart min(latency) BY city

Use-Case Example

Identify the Minimum CPU Utilization per Minute per Server

Problem: You aim to monitor the performance of various servers in your network by identifying the minimum CPU utilization recorded, to ensure that no server is showing abnormal behavior which could indicate issues.

Solution: Utilize the stats command in conjunction with the min function to calculate the minimum CPU utilization for each server. This method allows for a straightforward identification of servers that may be underperforming or experiencing issues, by highlighting instances of unusually low CPU utilization.


... | stats min(cpu_utilization) AS MinCPUUtilization BY host


  • This command calculates the minimum CPU Utilization (cpu_utilization field) for each server (host field). The min function is used to find the lowest value of CPU utilization for each unique server. This approach is useful for monitoring server performance and quickly identifying any servers that may be experiencing issues.


This function returns the maximum value in a field.


This function processes field values as numbers if possible, otherwise processes field values as strings. You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands. This command cannot be used on non-numeric fields.


  • The following example returns the maximum value of the latency field:

    ... | stats max(latency)
  • The following example calculates the maximum value of the latitude field for locations in the northern hemisphere (latitude > 0) and groups the results by weekday:

    ... | stats max(eval(latitude > 0)) AS max BY weekday
  • The following example displays a timechart of the maximum latency over time for each city:

    ... | timechart max(latency) BY city

Use-Case Example

Identify the Maximum CPU Utilization per Server Over Time

Problem: A system administrator wants to monitor the maximum CPU utilization for each server over time to identify potential overloads.

Solution: Use the stats command to calculate the maximum CPU utilization per server. Alternatively, use the timechart command to visualize the maximum CPU utilization over time for each server.

Implementation with stats:

Assuming the data is structured with fields for server, time, and cpu_usage, the following SPL query calculates the maximum CPU utilization per server:

index=server_metrics sourcetype=cpu_usage
| stats max(cpu_usage) AS max_cpu_usage BY server


  • This query filters logs to those related to CPU usage metrics.
  • The stats command calculates the maximum cpu_usage value for each server.

Implementation with timechart:

To visualize the maximum CPU utilization over time for each server:

index=server_metrics sourcetype=cpu_usage
| timechart span=1m max(cpu_usage) BY server


  • This query also filters logs to those related to CPU usage metrics.
  • The timechart command creates a time series chart with a 1-minute interval (span=1m), showing the maximum cpu_usage for each server over time.
  • This visualization helps in identifying trends and potential peaks in CPU utilization across different servers.


  • The stats command output lists each server with its maximum CPU utilization.
  • The timechart command output will be a time series chart, with time on the x-axis and CPU utilization on the y-axis, displaying lines for each server to indicate how the maximum CPU utilization varies over time.


Returns the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a field.


The values in the field must be numeric. You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands.


  • The following command calculates the range of latency for each city, providing a simple measure of variability:
... | stats range(latency) AS LatencyRange BY city

Detailed Example

  • For a more in-depth analysis, suppose you want to analyze network latency across different cities, focusing on peak hours (9 AM to 5 PM) during weekdays. You aim to identify cities with high latency variability and peak latency times:
... | where date_wday!="saturday" AND date_wday!="sunday"
| where date_hour>=9 AND date_hour<=17
| eval CityLatency=if(latency>200, "High", "Normal")
| stats min(latency) AS MinLatency, max(latency) AS MaxLatency, range(latency) AS LatencyRange BY city
| sort - LatencyRange
  • The following example displays a timechart of the range of latency over time for each city:
... | timechart span=1h range(latency) BY city

Use-Case Example

Analyze Temperature Fluctuations Across Different Locations

Problem: A meteorologist wants to identify locations with the highest temperature fluctuations over a 24-hour period.

Solution: Use the stats command with the range function to calculate the temperature range for each location.


index=weather sourcetype=temperature_readings
| eval hour=strftime(_time, "%H")
| stats min(temperature) AS min_temp, max(temperature) AS max_temp, range(temperature) AS temp_range BY location
| sort - temp_range


  • This query filters logs to those containing temperature readings.
  • The eval command extracts the hour from the timestamp.
  • The stats command calculates the minimum, maximum, and range of temperature for each location.
  • Results are sorted in descending order of temperature range.
  • The output will show each location with its minimum and maximum temperatures, as well as the temperature range, helping identify areas with the highest temperature fluctuations.


This function returns the sum of the values in a field.


You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands.


  • To calculate the total revenue from subscriptions for all events:

    ... | stats sum(revenue)
  • For summing revenue from subscriptions per month per city:

    ... | stats sum(revenue) AS "total revenue" BY city, month
  • The following example displays a timechart of the sum of revenue over time per city:

    ... | timechart span=1m sum(revenue) BY city

Use-Case Example

Calculate Total Sales by Product Category

Problem: A sales manager wants to determine the total sales for each product category to identify top-performing categories.

Solution: Use the stats command with the sum function to calculate the total sales for each product category.


index=sales sourcetype=transactions
| stats sum(sale_amount) AS total_sales BY product_category
| sort - total_sales


  • This query filters logs to those related to sales transactions.
  • The stats command calculates the sum of sale_amount for each product_category.
  • Results are sorted in descending order of total sales.
  • The output will show each product category and its corresponding total sales, helping identify the top-performing categories.

count(<value>) or c(<value>)

This function returns the number of occurrences in a field.


To use this function, you can specify count(<value>), or the abbreviation c(<value>). This function processes field values as strings. You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands.


  • Count the number of events in each city:

    ... | stats count by city
  • The following example displays a timechart of the count of events over time, split by city:

    ... | timechart count by city

Use-Case Example

Analyze Website Traffic by Source

Problem: A digital marketer wants to determine which traffic sources are bringing the most visitors to the website.

Solution: Use the stats command with the count function to count the number of visits from each traffic source.


index=web sourcetype=access_combined
| stats count AS visits BY referrer_domain
| sort - visits
| head 10


  • This query filters logs to those related to web access.
  • The stats command counts the occurrences for each referrer_domain.
  • Results are sorted in descending order of visit count.
  • The head command limits the output to the top 10 results.
  • The output will show the top 10 referrer domains and their corresponding visit counts, helping identify the most effective traffic sources.

distinct_count(<value>) or dc(<value>)

This function returns the count of distinct values in a field.


To use this function, you can specify distinct_count(<value>), or the abbreviation dc(<value>). This function processes field values as strings. You can use this function with the stats and timechart commands.


  • Calculate the number of unique zip codes from which events are reported:

    ... | stats dc(zip)
  • For each city, calculate the distinct count of zip codes with events reporting latency greater than 100ms:

    ... | where latency > 100 | stats dc(zip) AS UniqueZipCodes by city
  • The following example displays a timechart of the distinct count of zip codes reporting events over time:

    ... | timechart dc(zip)

Use-Case Example

Analyze User Engagement Across Different Devices

Problem: A product manager wants to understand how many unique users are engaging with their application across different device types.

Solution: Use the stats command with the distinct_count function to count the number of unique users for each device type.


index=app_usage sourcetype=user_sessions
| stats dc(user_id) AS unique_users BY device_type
| sort - unique_users


  • This query filters logs to those related to app usage and user sessions.
  • The stats command calculates the distinct count of user_id for each device_type.
  • Results are sorted in descending order of unique user count.
  • The output will show each device type and its corresponding number of unique users, helping understand user engagement across different devices.