Migrating from Splunk to Siglens using Fluentd
1. Install Fluentd
Follow the instructions to install the Fluentd package from the official docs.
Setup for Splunk
Fluentd doesn't include a plugin for Splunk by default.
Install the
. You can read more about the Splunk Plugin here. -
For fluentd:
fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
Verify if installation was successful -
fluent-gem list | grep fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
For td-agent:
sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
Verify if installation was successful -
td-agent-gem list | grep fluent-plugin-splunk-hec
You might need to setup or install ruby modules or development toolkit. If required, it will be automatically prompted and installed.
2. Configure Fluentd
Sample Configuration file
@type tail
path D:\Siglens\SplunkExport.json
pos_file D:\Siglens\fluentd_logs\SplunkExport2.log.pos
tag my.logs
read_from_head true
@type json
<match my.logs>
@type splunk_hec
host hostname
hec_token A94A8FE5CCB19BA61C4C08
hec_host localhost
hec_port 8081
hec_endpoint /services/collector/event
protocol http
index fluentd-ind-0
# Buffer configuration
chunk_limit_records 1
flush_at_shutdown true
3. Run Fluentd
Navigate to the Fluentd directory and run fluentd -c <<path-of-fluentd-config>>
. On Linux, prepend the command with sudo
. If using td-agent, replace fluentd
with td-agent
. On Windows, run the command as an Administrator.
- Linux:
sudo fluentd -c /home/fluentd_config.conf
- Windows: Open the fluentd command prompt as an Administrator and run
fluentd -c /home/fluentd_config.conf