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Migrating from Google Cloud to Siglens using Vector

1. Install Vector and setup Google Cloud CLI


  • Google Cloud CLI (Verify your Google Cloud CLI installation with gcloud version or you can install it from here)
  • Vector (You can follow this guide to get started with installing vector)

Setup Google Cloud Pub/Sub

1. Set or Create a Google Cloud Project

If you already have a Google Cloud project, set it as your current project:

gcloud config set project <project_id>

Replace <project_id> with your actual project ID.

If you don't have a project, create one:

gcloud projects create <project_id>

2. Create a Pub/Sub Topic

Create a Pub/Sub topic where logs will be published:

gcloud pubsub topics create <topic_name>

3. Create a Logging Sink

When you create a sink, Google Cloud automatically creates a new service account. This service account, known as the logging service account, is used by the sink to write logs.

gcloud logging sinks create <sink_name><project_id>/topics/<topic_name>

4. Grant Permissions to the Logging Service Account

Grant the pubsub.publisher role to the logging service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project_id> --member=serviceAccount:<logging_service_account> --role=roles/pubsub.publisher

Replace <logging_service_account> with the service account name displayed after creating the sink.

5. Create a Service Account

⚠️ Note: Skip this step if you have an existing service account

If you have a service account and a key from a different project, and you want to use it in your current project, you can skip to Step 8

If you don't have a service account, create one:

gcloud iam service-accounts create <service_account_name> --display-name "My Service Account"

6. Grant Pub/Sub Editor Role to the New Service Account

⚠️ Note: Skip this step if you have an existing service account

Grant the pubsub.editor role to the service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project_id> --member serviceAccount:<service_account_name>@<project_id> --role roles/pubsub.editor

7. Generate Key for the New Service Account(Skip if you have an existing one)

⚠️ Note: Skip this step if you have an existing service account key

If you don't have a service account key, create one:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/key.json --iam-account <service_account_name>@<project_id>

8. Grant Pub/Sub Subscriber Role to an Existing Service Account from a Different Project

⚠️ Note: Skip this step if you're not using a service account from a different project

If you have a service account and a key from a different project, you need to add the necessary permissions to the service account in your current project like this:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project_id> --member=serviceAccount:<service_account_name>@<existing_project_id> --role=roles/pubsub.subscriber

9. Create a Pub/Sub Subscription

Create a Pub/Sub subscription to the topic:

gcloud pubsub subscriptions create <subscription_name> --topic <topic_name>

10. Test the Subscription (Optional)

Pull messages from the subscription to test it:

gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack <subscription_name>

Remember to replace <project_id>, <logging_service_account>, <service_account_name> and <existing_project_id> with your actual project ID and service account names.

2. Configure Vector

Below is an example of a Vector configuration file that you can use. You'll need to replace the <project_id> and <subscription_name> fields with your own values.

data_dir: /var/lib/vector
type: gcp_pubsub
project: <project_id>
subscription: <subscription_name>
credentials_path: key.json # Path to the service account key json
# Transforms Reference: Transform the data from Sources into desired format
# Ensure to adjust this section to match the format of your data.
- 'gcp_pubsub_logs'
type: 'remap'
source: |
# The parsed json is stored in the structured variable. The structured variable is merged with the other data/fields.
structured = parse_json!(.message)
., err = merge(., structured)
if err != null {
log("Failed to merge structured data into event: " + to_string(err), level: "error")
type: splunk_hec_logs
- gcp_pubsub_logs
endpoint: http://localhost:8081
host_key: hostname
index: 'siglens-gcloud' # Replace with desired index
- index
timestamp_key: time
compression: none
codec: json
default_token: 'A94A8FE5CCB19BA61C4C08'
max_events: 1
  1. The <credentials_path> should point to your service account key, which would be key.json which would be key.json if you followed the Google Cloud Pub/Sub setup steps above.
  2. Remember to adjust the transforms section in the configuration to match the format of your data. For detailed information on how to configure transforms for your specific logs, refer to the Transforms section in the official Vector documentation.

3. Run Vector

Vector needs to be started with the --config argument to specify the path to the configuration file. Run the following command:

vector --config vector.yaml