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Migrating from Datadog to Siglens using Vector

1. Install Vector and Configure Datadog Agent


  • Datadog Agent (You can follow this guide to install the agent based on your OS)
  • Vector (You can follow this guide to get started with installing vector)

Configure Datadog Agent

  1. Navigate to the Datadog Agent's configuration file. The default location varies based on your operating system:

    • For Linux: /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml
    • For macOS: ~/.datadog-agent/datadog.yaml

⚠️ Note: These paths can change based on the version of the software or the specific configuration of the system. Refer to the official Datadog documentation for up-to-date information.

  1. Open the datadog.yaml file and set your Datadog API key. You can find your API key by following the instructions at this link. Once you have your API key, you can set it in your Datadog Agent's configuration file.
## @param api_key - string - required
## @env DD_API_KEY - string - required
## The Datadog API key used by your Agent to submit metrics and events to Datadog.
## Create a new API key here: .
## Read more about API keys here: .
  1. Configure Vector. Replace <VECTOR_SOURCE_PORT> with the port that your Vector source is listening on. This is the port that the Datadog Agent will send logs to.
## @param observability_pipelines_worker - custom object - optional
## Configuration for forwarding telemetry to an Observability Pipelines Worker instead of Datadog.
## Note: This config is interchangeable with `vector`
logs.enabled: true
logs.url: http://localhost:<VECTOR_SOURCE_PORT>
  1. Enable log collection in the Datadog Agent's configuration file.
## @param logs_enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enable Datadog Agent log collection by setting logs_enabled to true.
logs_enabled: true
  1. Start the Datadog Agent. The command to start the agent varies depending on your operating system. For example, on a Linux system, you would use:
sudo service datadog-agent start
  • For MacOS, you would use:
sudo datadog-agent run

Remember to replace <YOUR_DATADOG_API_KEY> and <VECTOR_SOURCE_PORT> with your actual Datadog API key and Vector source host and port.

If you haven't configured the Datadog Agent to collect logs yet, follow the steps below to set it up:

Configure the datadog agent to collect logs

Here are the general steps to configure the Datadog Agent to collect logs from a file:

  1. Navigate to the conf.d directory inside the Datadog Agent's directory. The default location varies based on your operating system:

    • For Linux: /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/
    • For macOS: ~/.datadog-agent/conf.d/

Note: This path can change based on the version of the software or the specific configuration of the system. Refer to the official Datadog documentation for up-to-date information.

  1. Inside the conf.d directory, create a new .yaml configuration file for your service. The file name should be <YOUR_SERVICE>.yaml, where <YOUR_SERVICE> is the name of your service. For example, if your service is named my_service, the file name should be my_service.yaml.

  2. Open the new configuration file and add the YAML configuration as required:

Below is a sample YAML Config:

- type: file
service: <SERVICE_NAME>
source: <LOG_SOURCE>
- type: tcp
port: <YOUR_APP_PORT> # Update this with the actual port number that your application is sending logs to
service: <SERVICE_NAME>
source: <LOG_SOURCE>

Replace <PATH_TO_LOG_FILE>, <SERVICE_NAME>, and <LOG_SOURCE> with the actual path to your log file, the name of your service, and the source of your logs.

You can find more information about different types of log sources and how to configure them in the Datadog Agent Log Collection documentation.

  1. Save and close the configuration file.

  2. Restart the Datadog Agent for the changes to take effect. The command to restart the agent varies depending on your operating system.

For Linux, you would use:

sudo service datadog-agent restart

For MacOS, you would use:

sudo datadog-agent run

After following these steps, the Datadog Agent should start collecting logs from the specified file.

2. Configure Vector

Below is an example of a Vector configuration file that you can use. You'll need to replace the <project_id> and <subscription_name> fields with your own values.

data_dir: /var/lib/vector
type: "datadog_agent"
address: "<VECTOR_SOURCE_PORT>" # Update this port number to match the one in your Datadog configuration

- datadog_agent_logs
type: remap
source: |
structured = parse_json!(.message)
., err = merge(., structured)

type: elasticsearch
- datadog_logs_remap
endpoint: "http://localhost:8081/elastic/"
id_key: hostname
compression: none
mode: bulk
X-Powered-By: Vector
enabled: false
value: "dd-logs-es"
action: "index"
  1. When creating your Vector configuration file, ensure the endpoint has a /elastic suffix
  2. Remember to adjust the transforms section in the configuration to match the format of your data. For detailed information on how to configure transforms for your specific logs, refer to the Transforms section in the official Vector documentation.

3. Run Vector

Vector needs to be started with the --config argument to specify the path to the configuration file. Run the following command:

vector --config vector.yaml

To ensure successful data ingestion, verify that Siglens, the Datadog Agent, and Vector are all running properly.