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Ingesting logs into Siglens using Fluentd

1. Install Fluentd

Install Fluentd on your server

2. Configure Fluentd

Download the sample events file using the following command:

curl -s -L -o 2kevents.json.tar.gz && tar -xvf 2kevents.json.tar.gz

Create a fluentd.conf file:

@type tail
path /Users/username/logstash/2kevents.json # Path to the log file
pos_file /Users/username/logstash/2kevents.json.pos # Path to the position file
tag my.logs
read_from_head true
@type json

<filter my.logs>
@type record_transformer
index "fluentd_http"

<filter my.logs>
@type grep
key first_name
pattern /.+/

<match my.logs>
@type http

open_timeout 2
@type json
chunk_limit_records 1
flush_interval 10s

For more information on customizing your fluentd.conf file according to your logs, refer to the Fluentd documentation.

3. Run Fluentd

Navigate to the Fluentd directory and run the following command. If using td-agent, replace fluentd with td-agent.

sudo fluentd -c /home/fluentd.conf

Make sure to set the correct path to Fluentd and its config file.